Text- 1 Samuel 22:1, 2; 2 Samuel 23:8-39; Matthew 4:18-22


Many people are wandering like Nathaniel of old if anything good could ever come out of their ‘Nazareth’ (ordinary lives). These genuine questions have been prompted by the situation of things around them such as we have in the Church of Christ today where most persons are building personal empires for themselves which would be handed over to their offspring when they are no more. This singular act prevents many from yielding their ordinary lives for the Kingdom of God thinking that it would be used by men to pursue their personal visions. Most persons would rather labour for themselves than engage in such seemingly fruitless labour.

But today, God who is still interested in ordinary men like you and I for eternal Kingdom-oriented labours, will be deliberately bringing us into His divine purpose for our lives in this generation. Christ is speaking to you today the same words He spoke to Nathaniel; ‘thou shalt see greater things than these’ (John 1:50) in the land of the living as you yield your ordinary earthen vessels to Him. Do not despise the days of little/humble beginnings. Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end shall greatly increase (Job 8:7).


  1. Their Ordinary Beginnings

Gen 37:2; 1 Sam 22:1,2; Esther 2:5-7;

Discuss their ordinary beginnings including your own.

2. Their Preparation

The call from the Master is follow me and I will make you… Matt 4:19, meaning there is a making process which is thorough.

The need for their purging- 2Tim 2:19-21; Mal 3:2-4; have you been effectively purged by the Lord for His purpose? This must be fulfilled if you must proceed in His making.

Discuss other preparations they had to go through in the following scriptures. How do these apply to your own life?

Esther 2:8,9,12-18; Who are these Hegais? Remember they can only attend to Virgins (Those who have been born-again and undefiled by sin/this world). What are the things needed for purification? And how are they to be applied? John 12:20-26;

3. Their Commissioning

Acts 13:1-4; Acts 2:1-4; what was peculiar about their commissioning? May God grant you such Holy encounters as you yield your vessel to Him.

4. Their Kingdom Exploits

Highlight their diverse exploits in the following scriptures and how these challenge your heart in your own generation- 2 Sam 23:8-23; Heb 11:4-38.


Though this study is comprehensive, it is not exhaustive. Our Lord is in need of such ordinary men that would yield their earthen vessels to Him for the placement of divine treasures for greater Kingdom exploits (2 Cor 4:7). Would you yield your vessel to Him from henceforth? Allow God to make something glorious out of your ‘ordinariness’ that the Excellency of the power may be of God and not of you. Let us pray…


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