
The commission to preserve a people for God and teaching God’s counsel for our generation is the driving force of the members of Go Forward.

  • Equip people with God’s word to fully understand God’s will for our generation.
  • Bring God’s children to a true life of Christian brotherhood as a weapon against poverty and materialism.
  • Build brethren with God’s mind set for leadership, whether spiritual or secular leadership.
  • Taking the gospel to the unreached fields in earnest expectation of the coming of our Lord Jesus.
  • Bringing unbelievers, and training new believers to a strong spiritual foundation in Christ.
  • Teaching brethren to lay down our lives for God’s true pursuit of destiny, which is the rebirth of revival.
  • Praying with, and helping brethren to overcome the hurdles against fulfilment in life.
  • Teaching men to harness leadership opportunities to affect men for God.

Go Forward Missions

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