The rise of Sodom – Clinton David

The ruins of the ancient city of Sodom & Gomorrah still lie in the Middle East in ashes and stones. But the traits of the inhabitants died not and prove more genetically potent than the ancestors. It would be wise to know why God did not repent of his anger but destroyed those cities and the inhabitants. Despite Egypt’s wickedness against God’s people, yet God forgave them but why was Sodom & Gomorrah not forgiven?
Scripture told us in latter books that though Daniel, Noah and Job were there, their righteousness’ couldn’t save the city. This calls for utmost caution.
‘And the Lord said, because the cry of Sodom & Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous’ Gen 18:20
The cries of the oppressed and the shed innocent blood was everywhere in Sodom. When Lot beckoned on the angels to come stay for the night, they said, they would rather abide on the street all night. Now God visited a wicked city and some righteous few were there but he said he would not abide with the righteous also. That suggests the gravity of God’s anger. Why was God so angry?
‘But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter’ Gen 19:4
The men wanted to lay with the angels also. They’ve been involved in all sorts of forbidden sex. Just pause and see the above scripture again. The old who were supposedly elders could not restrain the youths. This is outright lawlessness! The princes and elders of Sodom together with their subjects were part of the evil. No one ever said ‘no’ to any form of evil, no matter the magnitude. It was entirety of freedom. Democracy started in Sodom. But democracy ain’t lawlessness. On BBC broadcast of 17-05-04-20 hrs G.M.T more lesbians were joined by the clergy in the United States and a concerned citizen spoke on behalf of God, he said: ‘God wants gay marriages’.
Following the alarming rate of freedom preaching, may I ask if it is freedom from sin or freedom to sin? Even Christ, who was to pronounce freedom from the Roman Empire, only preached freedom from sin. Please re-examine where you are, is there no lawlessness? Freedom in the cyber cafes, Youths with the pornographic images on walls, parents and children watching the naked people on TV screens. Pastors in extra marital sex. Young believers romancing in dark places with the opposite sex. Campus fellowships indulging all form of ungodly fun in worship. The governments ready to declare more freedom to sin as same sex marriages were given interim license. See ‘Sodom’ rising again after the first destruction. Scripture says ‘God rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from heaven’. Go to ancient museums, you’ll find the remains of that wicked city and the skeletal collections of those wicked people. Now, what would happen to the new Sodom where you dwell? Think of Pearl Harbor in 1941.Think of Lot more than many centuries ago. Think of the soon coming eternal damnation. I plead with you to reconsider your decision for Christ and for righteousness again. God’s eyes behold the evil and the good.
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The rise of Sodom – Clinton David

One thought on “The rise of Sodom – Clinton David

  • February 24, 2019 at 6:50 am

    Oh Lord help us we pray!


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