The Journey to Hell (Part 1) – Clinton David

Thousands and thousands parading as the strong, unbeatable conquerors. Now they are on the streets, tomorrow they’ll proclaim a reform option, next tomorrow they’ve become the Great Reformers. These men want to save a world wretched and damaged by the dreaded AIDS pandemic. They want to give the people of the world a peace of global consent. They have advanced research on the most possible attainment of comfort and success. Some acclaimed servants of the most high God, have the determination to build a people of affluence and influence. They are obsessed with their conviction. Morning till night, their message gears towards building here, a place of total comfort. They are opposed to words like’we are pilgrims in this world’. They have formed alliance with the thousands. An alliance with so many names in disguise. 
Our Christ is no longer preached on the mountains. The holy auditoriums have become an extension of the reformers field. Instead of our ‘Christ’ they persuade the young to abstain from immorality. Abstain without Christ in them? forget it. 
They are reformers without reformation. How could you undertake to change an individual, of which you are also in bondage. Slaves wanting to liberate a world ravaged with darkness. Immorally deluged fellows preaching abstinence. Crooks preaching prosperity. Will the dog talk of humility? Can the blind lead the blind? far be it. 
…while they promise them liberty. They themselves are the servants of corruption. 2 Pet.2:19. 
Servants of corruption wanting to undertake to lead a generation to the promise land. Men that have been enslaved with doctrines of devil. Men who cannot escape from the lust and wantonness of the flesh with eyes full of adultery and immorality, wanting to embark on a holy journey. Young men corrupt from childhood want to assume church leadership because of the seemingly present trust reposed on them,when the wolves have not died in their inside. And instead of destroying their wolves, they find a place of nourishment for them until the fullness of time when their evil will fall on the world. They are all around taking a thousand thousand on the journey to hell. Unfortunately, opportunities have opened unto them and their Antichrist would soon emerge to take the journey into perdition. 
Who can obstruct this journey of thousands to hell? I am afraid to say that Christ has been exchanged on the pulpits and in the hearts of holy men. Oh’our Christ has been exchanged! They have taken away our Lord and we know not where they’ve taken him to. It was the hijackers that took him away from us. 
….looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Savior Jesus Christ’. Titus 2:13. 
Can we let go those distractions and distractors and then refocus on the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ? As we look for it, desire it, preach it and expect it with all that we possess within our power. Lets beat down the hijackers. 
Looking for our Savior. It’s the great re-awakening in these times. A dispensation of our time. Oh that we will beat down the distractors and divert the thousands on the journey to hell to the promise land. Give us Moses not greedy Absalom! 
It’s Moses we are looking for. A meek and faithful servant, who was faithful in all his house. He would not allow the daughters of Midian to distract him. A man sent by God, who knew the wages of righteousness. 
I am particularly asking the Lord to help this generation of young men and women, who have been involuntarily subjected to such hard times. Times when it has become difficult to look for the coming Savior, rather we look for economic and social rehabilitation. They are faced with the question ‘how can I make it? Where do we survive? Thus, gradually dragging their feet away into a competitive world where their king is not Christ and at dawn, they’ve been already recruited into the thousands on a journey to hell, after being overcome with the battles of compromise and pressure.
…this know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 Tim 3:1 
A brother saw it some time ago, but now it has began; the journey to hell! 
They are the days when your work would not allow you to look for the Savior. Some preachers would tell you, it’s not yet time. They would say that fulfilling your destiny and utilizing your potential is the paramount.
But am looking for the Savior. I am as mad at it as am mad with fulfilling my holy destiny. A destiny without Christ? what are you talking about.
Looking for the Savior. That’s the Great Reawakening of these times. This is our motto in these perilous times. I am particularly concerned about my fellow young people because it’s like the farther the days of living on earth, the fiercer the battle. Sometime ago our fathers had to contend with the forces that would not allow Christianity stay but now you have to fight with ungodliness, perversion of all sorts and worst still the hijackers of our Christ, who seem to hold the horns of power in some holy places. But they shall not proceed any further. Our God shall arise. Can one man obstruct the thousands on the journey to hell? It would need one Moses, ten Moses’, a hundred, a thousand thousand. Will you at this crucial moment sincerely decide, first, to retreat from the journey to hell with absolute repentance from sin and all unrighteousness and then to embark on leading the others to our long expected Savior? Let us pray!

The Journey to Hell (Part 1) – Clinton David

2 thoughts on “The Journey to Hell (Part 1) – Clinton David

  • February 7, 2019 at 7:03 am

    May God awaken us as in the days of old

  • February 24, 2019 at 6:54 am

    Oh God. Save us from this perishing world! I’m touched


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