‘’Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; Every man’s works shall be made manifest: For the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is’’. I Corinth 3: 12-13

There is one thing to build; there is another to build according to the revealed plan of God. Often times, what is emphasized is the building and the builders. The content of description and the way to go about the building is always neglected. For this reason, some have gone building with hay and stubble; some with precious stones and gold. When you see a man build with stubble, you would not know for sure that the walls and the foundations were made of stubble. You could live under such a building for many years without a glimpse of what lies ahead. Some have built their entire God’s given destiny around such foundations of stubble. This troubles my heart, that a man would pass through this earthly journey, passing through the church all his life, and would go empty handed. Some have built with well polished wood, and men are entrapped there. Imagine if the foundation of your faith were wood. Do not run with hearsay or head-knowledge. Do not be such a believer. Run, with the certainty to win. It is the day of test that would reveal the surety of such buildings. The fire shall try them whether they be stubble or precious stones. May you not be at a loss on that day!
When I was a child I ran with lots of head-knowledge. I was such a believer. But when I became a man I became persuaded, not willing to quit for earthly mundane. The blood of the lamb washed the leper’s spots and fit me for the sky above.

‘’They build Zion with blood, and Jerusalem with iniquity’’. Micah 3:10
This appears rather illogical and ambiguous. How can you build with blood and with iniquity? Although Zion was being built unto glory, God was displeased. It was a building of hay and stubble. The builders built with the blood of men. Though the city appears glorious in splendour, the walls were the blood of men slain by the builders.
‘’ Her Princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain. And her prophets have daubed them with untempered mortar…’’ Eze 22: 27-28a
‘’Its heads judge for reward and a bribe and its priests teach for hire and its prophets divine for money…’’ Micah 3:11
The Leaders have slain their people and the prophets have daubed the Leaders with untempered mortar, speaking lies in the name of the Lord. They cannot rebuke the evil rulers but have become partakers with their evil. They daubed them with words of encouragement. They build Zion with blood. The wealth and the glory of the church was truly increased but with falsehood and sin. The people approached unto God leaning on lies. They prayed holding to falsehood. The prayer points were a counterfeit of scripture. They held unto prophecies without God. They ran on falsehood until death. Yet Zion boasted on her glory while men perished holding unto stubble. They lived for years and died believing a lie. They flood the gates of the church holding unto mundane. You become a member of the church in body and tithes, but not a member of the assembly of saints written in heaven. A gate of salvage was their gate of doom. Many years ago when you were converted, your work place knows that you met Christ. Now they only know that you are now a member of so-and-so church. Zion is built but men are lost, and their blood fills up the foundation. O’ that God would come again as in days of old!

‘’Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves’’. Matt.23:15
These men can pay many sacrifices in order to make one disciple. You can for the conversion of one sinner make painful sacrifices. When such is now converted, they make him worse than what he was. He becomes twice the child of hell. When you were an unbeliever, you would sin against God and be somewhat remorseful. But now that you are converted, they tell you there is nothing to bother. The church has become flooded by such converts. They build Zion with blood and iniquity. A place of salvation has become unto some the place of death. They died twice after they enrolled as members of that assembly. No wonder their words cannot save a wretch. He becomes only strengthened in sin. Their words eat like canker and empower a soul to depravity and corruption. Now beloved, why should you build a foundation of stubble? Why should you make up the seat, and not the number written? Maranatha.

Bro. Clinton David



  • April 13, 2022 at 9:34 pm



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