Text Scriptures: Heb.11:8-10, Rev.3:12


Over the years men have laid their entire lives seeking for things that would endure forever, and without coming to the definite point of their search. Some have labored for decades and have exhausted their strength in building issues and structures that could only endure for a while, of whose reward is sudden destruction. In this discourse however, we shall solemnly explore the awaiting vanity dying for such temporary foundations. The Spirit of God would also help us to see what it is that you should labor and expend your energy, to the intent that you would lay for yourself an eternal and unmovable foundation. Praying truly that God would in His mercy bring our feet to such a worthy inheritance, Amen.


  1. Everlasting Foundations, what such imply?

See Prov.10:25, Ps.15:1-5

  • The Lord is the builder himself and delights in undertaking to build such a life..Heb.11:10
  • It is vain to build without the Lord..Ps. 127:1

2. Labors of vain.

  • Are there labors that end in nothing?
  • Can a man spend an entire life building foundations that would earn him nothing?
  • On what premise is a labor termed ‘vain’?
  • Let’s explore these in: Rev.3:15-18, Rev.2:2-4, I Corinth 3:11-13, Heb.13:13-14, Heb.11:14-16

3. Some Bible men who built on temporary foundations.

  • Though these examples are innumerable, we shall consider a few; and we would not indulge in this for our personal gratification but that we would humbly consider if we too are not already treading such sinking grounds.
  • Heb.12:16-17 ( see Gen.25: 32-34)
  • Philemon 1:23-24, 2 Tim 4:9-11
  • Luke 17:32, Gen.19:24-26

4. Raising Everlasting Foundations.

  • Building on the Rock: Matt 7:24-26 ( see Jn. 3:3)
  • Desire only the Lord: Ps. 73:25, Col.3:1-2
  • Seeking eternal treasures: 1 Tim.6:17-19, Matt 6:19-21, Matt 13: 44-46
  • Looking for the prize: Heb.11:23-27 ( see Heb.11:10), Phil.3:14-15

Conclusion: The entire world and its peoples have been engaged in a race, men and women running –to & -fro with an aim to make it in life, and these thoughts seem to be the present preoccupation. However, we know that whatever it is that you are pursuing now is but vain, if you do not pursue to lay eternal foundations. Again it is vain to pursue the world and carry Christ along, as both cannot go together. Hence for such who are thus minded-on Christ, it is but a singular pursuit, Christ only and Christ alone.

Raising Everlasting Foundations

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