Men who met God in their pilgrim journey


Over the years God has walked with ordinary men, revealing himself to some whose passion drove them to seek him with unreserved loyalty. It is most worthy to note that old time seekers after God had sought him as a single desire (Psalm 73: 25), hence the results of their search were unprecedented. Also in this present dispensation men of such passion after God are not without great results. These men though surrounded by the world and its people had a separate pursuit. They hungered to meet with the immortal God before their bodily transition. Some men met God while passing through the earth. Some others waited to see God in heaven thinking he was absent on earth, hence their earthly places have remained in darkness unto this day.

In this discourse we shall explore the stories of some men who met God and the impact of such encounters upon their lives and generation. I consider it a great privilege meeting God. We shall also find out if God is still meeting men of nowadays and putting before us the common impediments that could snatch it away. We shall push further to see how much of an impact such meetings had upon their generation. How I pray that in my pilgrim journey, I shall meet God.

Text: John 7: 33 – 34, Jeremiah 29:12-13


1. How Abraham met God
* Genesis 12: 1 -9
* See Abraham’s response to God; Hebrews 11: 8, Genesis 22: 1-3
* Genesis 18: 1- 5, verses 16 – 23
* See  his humility and God’s unwavering confidence in a mortal man. He sought God (Jeremiah 29: 13), and God met him. Genesis 18: 19-23 & 33
2. Moses quest for God
* Exodus 33: 1 – 13, 14 – 23
* A boundless hunger after God. See Deuteronomy 9: 9 – 11
3. Enoch’s journey with God
* Genesis 5: 1-17
* It was the usual to live prosperously and many years on earth, and to die. Hence their pilgrim journey was devoid of God Enoch changed the order after he met God
* See Genesis 5: 18 – 24
* When shall you meet God?
4. What attracted God to these men
* It is true that some men do believe in God but some met God. What shall be your story?
* Some sought after God as a child would; Matthew 11: 25, Isaiah 57: 15( Psalm 51: 17)
* Walking in all pleasing and purity; Hebrews 11: 5, Psalms 24: 3 – 6
* See Joshua’s passion after God; Exodus 33: 11, Exodus 24: 12 – 18
Note that Joshua also met God during his ministry. See Joshua 5: 13 – 15 (Ref: Joshua 6: 1- 3)
Question:  When shall you meet God, now or after death?  Job 19: 26 – 27, Genesis 32: 30, Deuteronomy 34: 10.
* Also like in seeing face to face, a similar order has lingered ‘Prophets who never met God’ and alas their journey on earth ended
Let us pray before we proceed
5. The Results of meeting God
* A man’s life and destiny changed; see Genesis 32: 22 – 24, 25- 30
* See Genesis 19: 27 – 29. A generation can be saved if you meet God; and one man’s meeting with God can deliver another man.
* Brother John’s encounter; Revelation 1: 9 – 15, 16 – 20
* This encounter birthed a message for a backsliding generation It could have began a revival for the end-time churches One man’s meeting God could bring the showers of revival which we beckon and bring upon a generation the blessings of heaven


The pilgrim journeys of many men have been wasted in the pursuit and acquisition of worldly things, and they ended their journey without meeting God. They have no stories of such encounters of heavenly bliss but rather mundane and perishable lot. There is a cry from the land beyond for an immortal meeting with your soul. Oh! A yearning from the immortal Being to meet you before the night comes. How my soul craves for such an hour, and it is now or never. Let us pray!

Men who met God in their pilgrim journey
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