
Over the years God has walked with ordinary men, revealing himself to some whose passion drove them to seek him with unreserved loyalty. It is most worthy to note that old time seekers after God had sought him as a single desire (Ps. 73: 25), hence the results of their search were unprecedented. Also in this present dispensation men of such passion after God are not without great results.

In this discourse we shall explore the stories of some men who met God and the impact of such encounters upon their lives and generation. We shall also seek to know how these men got the privilege to have met God, a rare privilege indeed.

Again we shall find out if God is still meeting men of nowadays and putting before us the common impediments that could snatch it away. We shall push further to see how much of an impact this

Text: John 7: 33 – 34, Jer 29:12-13


  1. How some men met God
  • We shall briefly look at their stories, how they sought God and why God met them
  • Genesis 12: 1 -9
  • See Abraham’s response to God; Heb 11: 8, Gen 22: 1-3
  • See Gen 18: 1- 5 (compare this to Genesis 19: 1-3), verses 16 – 23

2. Moses quest for God

  • Exo 33: 1 – 13, 14 – 23
  • A boundless hunger after God. See Deu 9: 9 – 11

3. Enoch’s journey with God

  • Genesis 5: 18 – 24

4. What attracted God to these men

  • It is true that some men do believe in God but some had a personal touch and met God. What shall be your story?
  • Some sought after God like a child; Matt 11: 25, Matt 16: 17, Matt 5: 3, Ish 57: 15( Ps 51: 17)
  • Walking in all pleasing and purity; Heb 11: 5, Matt 6: 8, Psalms 24: 3 – 4
  • See Joshua’s passion after God; Exo 33: 11, Exo 24: 12 – 18

Note that Joshua also met God during his ministry. See Joshua 5: 13 – 15 ( ref: Joshua 6: 1- 3)

Question: When shall you meet God, now or after death? Job 19: 26 – 27

5. The impact of these encounters

  • A man’s life and destiny changed; see Genesis 32: 22 – 24, & 30
  • See Genesis 19: 27 – 29. A generation can be saved if you meet God; and one man’s meeting with God can deliver another man.
  • Brother John’s encounter; Revelations 1: 9 – 15, 16 – 20

Note: by this encounter backsliders were converted and the churches strengthened to move ahead in battle

  • See Exodus 40: 34 – 38 ( compare with Exo 33: 1 – 2, 13 – 15 )
  • Impact begets impact; Joshua 3: 7 – 8, 15 – 17, 4: 15 – 18

Conclusion: We could actually go on to point out several other men who met God during their days on earth and how this brought a great impact upon their generation. Beloved of God, when would you meet God? It is either now, or count it a loss of Kingdom resources. Let us pray!

Men Who Met God

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