LIVING BY FAITH – Oguru Manasseh

Faith is one of the most used words today in Christianity and this shows how important it is to us as believers. Before we venture into the issue of faith, it is expedient that we rightly understand what faith is. You must have come across faith in different books and messages that have come your way and in a bid to bring light to the matter; I shall start by explaining what faith is not.


A young man seeks admission into the university and believes he shall receive that which he seeks; he has not expressed faith but hope. Hope in simple terms is a personal desire for a good outcome and it is expressed by both believers and unbelievers. Hope can fail but faith won’t fail. You can express hope in a particular matter and the desired expectation is not achieved because there was no faith in the expectation.

Faith is hearing/receiving and acting on the word of God. Abraham in whom we regard as the father of faith expressed faith when he received words from God. Rom: 10v17,so then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

The scripture above reveals that there is no faith without the word of God. Faith can only be expressed by believers who hear and act according to the word of God.


Living by faith is difficult in our time because people have become deaf to God’s word; not like God doesn’t speak anymore. Even if more Bibles are printed than ever, the word of God is not available as it were in the lives of men that is why it has become uneasy to live by faith.

Living by faith means living with the word of God as the bases and foundation for our every action. It means living solely on instructions. Many have joined different money doubling schemes which I do not condemn but my question is, did God say so?

Living by faith means burying your choices in God’s choice, abandoning your decisions for God’s decision.
Before you take that step ask yourself if the word of God is the foundation for that your action. If you actually live by faith, you will always search for God’s word as you live your life.

Faith means burying your choices in God’s choice, abandoning your decisions for God’s decision. I like sister A and I truly feel fair towards her but if God has chosen sister B for me, I must abandon my own agenda if I would walk in faith. The line of business which you have chosen is lucrative but is that what God will have you do? Do not study law because you failed chemistry or physics, but take up the course because God has led you in that direction.

A lot of us consider the ways of God as slow and uninteresting but remember that the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. 1Cor: 3v19, 1Cor:1v25

As you consider living by faith from now on, it is my prayer that God will give you a listening ear to his word and patience to follow his leading.

We live in a time where things have become so difficult and we are often tempted to make quick decisions but believe me beloved, if you make God’s word the basis for your decision and abandon your own will for his, you will never suffer loss or disappointment.“I was young and now I am old,yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken”Psa: 37v25(NIV)

Let your actions and desires be a product of faith and you shall know no regret. I pray that God shall grant you abundance grace as you begin to walk in faith. Shalom.

LIVING BY FAITH – Oguru Manasseh

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