Fire on the Altar

The previous discourse on this subject should have, I presume, brought to light what altars are and how they are built; and why it is necessary that we raise altars in our time. And afore I proceed to consider the matter at hand, may I ask solemnly please, can God boast of your altars? Do they carry such a power that can dispel darkness where you are? Or rather, do your altars speak in such voices devoid of divine authority?

Therefore, in handling the issue before us, I shall also bring to you the reason for the present coldness of the church of God and why some congregational altars cannot provoke genuine salvation and penitence from sin. Again, we shall see such who boast of personal altars and yet languish away in the errors of darkness, so also that they that follow them have no hope in living the resurrected life. Such who go about raising what they call ‘family altars’ shall see why such altars cannot produce the life of the sons and daughters of the heavenly King, thus are their children also in great damnation of hell all through their earthly journey, till they, their children and their children’s children are consumed away in a world of darkness despite the dispense of an array of light.

“Ye are of your father, the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do” John 8: 44a

The scripture above was one fundamental truth that aroused great animosity amongst the Jews against the Lord. That the words spoken here were of perfect truth and without any error was justifiable. These men, though of the seed of Abraham, do not show any character likened to that lineage, but rather show traits undeniable from the devil’s seed; and this justifies them as not just a semblance of Satan’s stock, rather his direct offspring. It therefore holds sway to affirm that sinners cannot raise altars unto the Lord; as such altars are of the devil’s stock and are built for the devil. This brings to light the scripture that says “the prayers of the sinner are an abomination unto the Lord” (John 9: 31; Prov. 28: 9; Isaiah 1: 15; Jer. 14: 12). And so, the altar raised by an unrepentant sinner cannot attract God’s presence and much less heaven’s approval. Such altars cannot produce the fire that burns away sin and wickedness, thus are the products of such altars full of all the traits and habits of the devil.

Though they may pray and sing heavenly songs day and night at that so-called family altar, their lives will remain unchanged; more and more shall they become like the seeds of the devil until evil sweeps away that family and their altar. And if the case be so for a congregational altar as described for that family altar, so shall the pastor of that congregation sooner or later bring to the eternal gates such brethren who themselves shall be turned away by the shout of an angry Lord. It is from such altars that sinners come and return with no genuine encounter that changed their lives. Moreover, if these unchanged brethren continue in service, they too become the pastors and elders on those altars. I tell you that if heaven does not intervene to send them a prophet, such a place will soon become the house of Baal, yet carrying the banner of Jesus; and their neighbourhoods as well as the nearest villages and such who come under this umbrella shall be doomed for destruction except the Lord sends them a prophet.

It is thus evident that an altar that does not carry the fire of God brings Christendom to great jeopardy. And if the matter be so for a young believer and his personal altar, how can such survive the darts of darkness shot against him? Thus, consenting with John Bunyan on the issues raised in the ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’, how can such a fellow win in this Christian journey?

It is very pertinent to alert you beloved, that you cannot stand against our common foe if you do not pay attention to building a personal relationship with God. This comes into force as you commune with God daily, until the life of Christ becomes to you a living presence. And though you shall go from one location to another, shall you carry alongside that living altar that would soon set your new abode ablaze for God.

“And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, ‘how long halt ye between, two opinions?’ If the Lord be God, follow Him; but if Baal, then follow him.’ And the people answered him not a word.” 1 Kings 18: 21
“And they took the bullock which was given them, and they dressed it, and called on the name of Baal from morning even until noon, saying, O Baal, hear us. But there was no voice, nor any that answered. And they leaped upon the altar which was made”.  1 Kings 18: 26

I suppose that the story of the contest on Mount Carmel is very familiar to you. It was a time of decision for Israel, and may I ask moreover, what brought the people of God to such a point to decide between God and Baal? You may be tempted to ask, “…but what has Baal done for them?”  Bible says, they could not for a very long time reach a decision. Sometimes you may wonder why someone can come and return from God’s presence and yet without an encounter. Why the many years of church attendance without coming to a definite point of decision? The people of Israel once came to such a point. It was not because they lost memory of God’s existence.

Again, when you look at the manner the Baal prophets approached the contest and how they beckoned on Baal, you could be betrayed into thinking that Baal does answer them in their secret places of worship. But nonetheless, it was the showcase of emptiness. It was the exhibition of confusion. It revealed the long drift from God. They could not come to a definite decision to follow the Lord because the fire was gone. When the fire that burns wickedness and brings the unrepentant sinner to his knees to obtain true salvation is gone out, the same situation in Mount Carmel replays itself. And such can come and return from such altars with no fire to drive them to the Cross.

Sometime ago, an altar call was made, and a brother just walked towards the pulpit swinging his arms and laughing all about, and I wondered if his heart did not burn. Oh! That God would set my altar on fire again!

“Hear me. O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the Lord God, and that thou hast turned their heart back again.
Then the fire of the Lord fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.
And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, the Lord, He is the God; the lord, He is the God.” 1 Kings 18: 37-39

The lessons from this scripture are enormous. See the steps Elijah took to raising an altar unto the Lord. See the prayer he prayed; and without much ado, the fire fell. Sinners cannot bring down fire on their altars because their father is not the God of fire. When the man with the right standing with God prays, the fire will fall. Your altar can actually carry the fire from above, and how I pray that it will happen tonight.

And when that fire fell, there was great burning. All around knew that a great encounter had taken place. The sinners could not stand it. Those in between two opinions came to a halt. There was a great contrition of hearts; and though hardened; they were broken down at such a supernatural encounter.

It was not about ‘my pulpit’ as Elijah did not import that altar from his house. He carried the living altar within, and upon any altar built in the right order, the fire came. And that ushered in the break of Revival. That neighbourhood can come to a halt, that classroom can come to a halt, those children can come to a halt; and all for Jesus will they come when the fire is kindled on those altars. Lets’ pray! 

Focus: Building Altars unto the Lord – Vol. 1, No. 2

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