Today’s discourse is one that you must make personal and for the fact that your neighbour may contradict your decision and if it were possible show all manner of confrontation. You may be misunderstood or yet termed fanatical. Hence every encounter must be personalized and the word quietly chewed until the image of Christ is formed in your heart so that none shall be able to snatch Him from you, moreover not the mirage elements of this world.
Again if God shall succeed with you today, you must be willing to lay down every other image outside Christ whether it be a man, profession or some idea. Even such that has held your heart captive outside the word of God must be put down with the aim of being apprehended of Christ and Him alone. I pray sincerely that God shall bring us to such a point where all our thoughts and expectation shall be lost in Him and praying also that the issues being raised here shall become pillars and sign-posts in our pilgrim journey, Amen.
Text: Heb 12: 1-3, Heb 3: 1-2
1. The man “Jesus”
Note: The fact that we are instructed to consider Him shows something of quiet importance to behold which may be lost if not diligently sought for. So let’s go a little further to consider this man and bearing in mind that these pages would indeed be insufficient to hold the entire details. Ref. text: Meb 2:6-11, 16-18
- The mind of Christ: Phil2:5-11
=> I see Jesus making a deliberate choice to take up another form. But why? See John 13:3-5, 13-15
• Without blame: Heb 3: 1-2, Heb 7:15-28
2. Following in His marks
- What are His marks? Gal. 6:17, 2Corinth 15, Heb 12:3, 2Tim 3:10-12
- Finding the marks: 1Pet 2:19-23, John 13:15, Heb 12:2-3
- Follow daily: John 12:24-26, 1Corinth 15:31, 2Corinth 4-10, 2Pet 3:14-18
3. Changed into His Image
Note : To become Christ, Himself being the expressed image of the Father, first the work of death must be perfected in you ere you gate His glorious face
Most have made jest and mockery of this common faith because some have continually wrest it of its power, but here we hold the matter that decides the fate of humanity now and in eternity. What is it that you have held before your eyes all these years if not the Lord? Why have you been running around? What is it that prompted you to kneel in prayer? Is it to behold that ancient beauty and to be made into same likeness? if this be thy pursuit, then it is enough Let us pray!