Text: John 5:35, Judges 13:24-25


The matter before us is quite crucial and of utmost relevance to God, and for any man who would want to accomplish divine purpose on earth. This spurred the motivation to consider the above scriptures, looking closely at the lives of those men who had gone ahead of us into the presence of God, men who were not only born but who in their time burned for God and did set nations on fire for God.

The understanding of why you are born will trigger a new dimension to this discourse, as most persons in our generation have derailed from the entirety of God’s purpose for man. Some of them have settled down on the reward of mundane and have exhausted their strength on the pursuit of such issues void of eternal value.

Thus the capturing of the fundamental issues surrounding the birth of man, and the divine purpose for that man is the meat of today’s study. Nonetheless, no matter what you thought right as the purpose why you were born, this cannot annul the fact that there was a divine purpose and an assignment which may have been neglected, or yet not pursued. I therefore pray that you would not miss out but be graced with such fire that would burn in your time, amen.


  1. Born for a purpose
  • Is there truly a purpose for one’s birth?
  • If there is a purpose, then what purpose and whose purpose?
  • It is pertinent to bring to you that there is only but one purpose, and though every man seems to have a singular purpose, all culminates in one big purpose designed and arranged by God to fulfill his own agenda.
  • The account of Sampson- Judges 13:1-5
  • Jeremiah’s account- Jer. 1:4-10
  • See John the Baptist- Luke 1:11-17
  • The account of Moses- Exo. 2:1-2, 11-14, 3:1-2, 9-10
  • The account of Jesus- Luke 1:30-33, 2:30-32

Note: The time would fail to consider several other examples, but it is evident that there is no destiny outside Christ and there is no given purpose that contradicts the law and ways of God.

  • Discuss your own account in the light of God’s counsel and prayerfully discover your purpose in God, let us pray!

2. Making Kingdom exploits

  • You are born to lighten your generation, a fire to be burned upon every nation, and so may you burn!
  • Let’s see the following: Acts 19:1-20, 10:38, Heb 11:32-40, 2Pet 1:19

3. Examples of some men and how they handled their divine purpose

Note: Even though we shall consider the issue before us, we shall do this with humility and in heaviness of hearts, and praying quietly within us so that we also would not lose God’s ordained purpose for our lives. Please, let us pray again before we continue on this journey.

  • Judges 16:1,4-5, 16-20
  • Heb.12:12-17, Gen.25:30-34
  • Acts 1:15-20, Luke 22:1-6

4. Fire in his bones

Oh that God would set us on fire again to go lighten our nations!

  • Jer.20:7-9, John 5:35
  • Ps.40:7-10, John 2:13-17


Though there appears the likelihood to drift to discussing issues about destiny and predestination, which is not the aim of this study as the topic ‘destiny’ is quite enormous and would be considered in subsequent studies. This study is firm on the fact that you are born to burn, not for an earthly jamboree or yet for your personal pleasure. When you burn, your neighborhood will burn and all nations will come to the feet of Jesus casting down their crowns.


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