Shining for Jesus,
Are you shining today?
Shining for Jesus,
Shining all the way.
Shining for Jesus,
In this world of care;
Shining for Jesus,
Shining everywhere.

  •  Are you shining for Jesus, my brother,
    Shining in deed and in word?
    Is your life by its purity showing
    The likeness of Jesus your Lord? [Refrain]

  • Are you shining for Jesus, my brother,
    Shining for truth and for right,
    Where bold unbelief and its minions
    Are posing as angels of light? [Refrain]

  • Oh! shine out for Jesus, my brother,
    Shine where He needs you the most;
    And shine where the darkness hangs deepest
    O’er the path of the straying and lost. [Refrain]

  • Shine only and always for Jesus,
    Then, when your toiling is o’er,
    In mansions of glory eternal
    You shall shine as the stars evermore. [Refrain]

Are you shining for Jesus, my brother

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