
It is expedient to bring to you the intricacy of the subject of ‘going a yonder with Jesus’ if indeed you are so determined in bringing joy to your Lord and rest to your souls.

This subject is most often considered of little importance as though all that is in followership is to receive from the one being followed. But even in followership there seems to be much onus on the disciple in learning and practice, which requires you to take several uncertain steps with your Lord to the unknown. These adventures so called have most of the time culminated in the breaking forth of new territories and in the release of unprecedented blessings upon the disciple and the generation he belonged.

Again if God shall come to us and if he shall release upon us the ‘revival rain’ that we beckon, then shall your feet stick only to following the Lord to the yonder place. Your soul also shall crave for nothing but to share in carrying the burden that rests on the shoulder of your Lord.

I pray sincerely that as we go deeper in this discussion, the Lord shall indeed overwhelm our hearts until we loose sight of all but him.

TEXT: Matt 26 : 36-38


  1. What this implies?

Luke 5 :1 – 10, Matt 26 : 36-41

2. A yearning in Gods’ heart

-Beyond all that man crave for; God is still paused at one thing.

-See Matt 11 : 28-30, Acts 13 : 1-2, Matt 26:40-41

-see Isaiah 62:1

3. Taking a bold step in Christ

-An example in humility, Jn 13:1-15

-An example in prayer, Lk 10:1-2 ; 22:44-45

-An example in obedience, Gen 12:1-4

-An example in followership, Matt 4:18-22, Heb 11:24-27, Heb 11:32-38

4. The road blocks in going yonder

-Men have erected several obstacles with logic to ensure you do not go a step further with Jesus.

-Going a yonder is misunderstood as fanatism, extremism and foolishness. Hence we shall dwell on this point until a breaking forth of light. May God help our hearts, Amen.

-Let’s see few stories about Brother Peter;

Jn 13:4-9, Matt 16:21-23, Jn 13:36-38, Jn 21:19-22

-See Luke 9:57-62

-See Luke 18:18-24

-A heart missing in compassion for the lost

1. Luke 10:30-34

2. Matt 9:36, 26:38-39

A Yonder with Jesus

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