A world at rage

The god of this world knows that nothing in all the world is more important than meeting God, therefore he has programmed the world not to favour you. 1 John 2:16. The world offers you its comfort so much so that you should not need God, to wit; it puts a barricade between you and the Lord. However, one thing that characterized the men of old who followed God is that they sought to meet God over and again despite their raging world. Exodus 33:11-14, 18

Such progressive longing for God is uncommon in this dispensation as the men of this age consider the divine appointment obsolete. 

In this world at rage, God is seeking for men who would long after Him, and my question to you is, Shall He wait in vain? Lord I want to want you; I thirst to be made thirsty for you; I long to be filled with longing for you! Oh, pray with me.

As we proceed, I want you to mark this: The world is raging against you with an appetite that cannot be satisfied and your only route to victory is to meet God in your pilgrim journey. 

John 15: 18-19,    John 16:33


1. The Cycle of life. Gen 5:1-32 

       * What Happened to Methuselah Gen 25: 12-23
* Will you walk the Earth like Ishmael?
* The Journey of Jacob Gen 25:24-26,  Gen 25:29-31,  Gen 28:10-21,  Gen 29:15-35, Gen 30: 1-24, Gen 32:1, Gen 47:7-9

2. This present world. 2 Tim 4:10-11. 1 John 4:5

3. A soul against the world Psm 63:8. Psm 42:1. Phil 3:4-8. 

4. Pressing onto Victory. Mark 10:47-50,  Luke 19:1-5,  Gen 32: 22-36

A world at rage – Bible Study

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