Fire on the Altar The previous discourse on this subject should have, I presume, brought to light what altars are and how they are built; and why it is necessary that we raise altars in our time. And afore I
Building altars unto the Lord. Vol 1. No 3 by Clinton David
When the altar is broken The subject before us is very crucial if we must actually raise altars that will bring down the fire of God upon our lives and nations. That God seems not to be speaking in some
CHANNELS ONLY, BLESSED MASTER How I praise thee precious saviour, That thy love laid hold on me, Thou has saved and cleansed and filled me, That I might thy channel be. Channels only, blessed master, But with all thy wondrous
Jesus Paid it all – Audio
Channels Only – Audio
Building Altars unto the Lord – Clinton David

I shall be bringing to you in these pages, one of the discourses in our previous Go Forward Retreats – Building Altars unto the Lord. The encounters we had during those days shall be seeking relevance in your life today
After Christ

Beloved of the father, I thank my God through Jesus Christ our Lord for granting us privilege to consider few issues which are peculiar in the heart of God for us. I greatly desire that you shall be reached as
ADAM, WHERE ARE YOU – Ayotunde Ajibola

Though the above question may sound trivial to many people, I don’t take it as such especially when it is coming from God. I can sense the compassion in God’s heart when he asked this question from Adam, having discovered

And those who deal with this world [overusing the enjoyments of this life] as though they were not absorbed by it and as if they had no dealings with it. For the outward form of this world (the present world