I was standing by a bus stop a few years ago when I overheard a group of taxi-drivers discussing excitedly about a certain pastor of a Nigerian-based ministry, while waiting for passengers to fill up their cabs. I was particularly
The rise of Sodom – Clinton David

The ruins of the ancient city of Sodom & Gomorrah still lie in the Middle East in ashes and stones. But the traits of the inhabitants died not and prove more genetically potent than the ancestors. It would be wise
The Journey to Hell (Part 1) – Clinton David

Thousands and thousands parading as the strong, unbeatable conquerors. Now they are on the streets, tomorrow they’ll proclaim a reform option, next tomorrow they’ve become the Great Reformers. These men want to save a world wretched and damaged by the
The prisoner of Jesus Christ – Emmanuel Ndoma

GOFORWARD RETREAT 2018The prisoner for christclick on the link below to download the message
I am Crucified with Christ – David Clinton

GO FORWARD MISSIONS 2018Theme exposition: I am crucified with Christ – Part 2click the link bellow to download
Absolute Surrender – Oguru Manasseh

GO FORWARD MISSIONS 2018Absolute surrenderclick on the link below to download